If you need more information about Wärtsilä as an investment, our IR team is ready to help you. Wärtsilä's IR-team is located in Helsinki, Hiililaiturinkuja 2, PL 1834, 00080 WÄRTSILÄ, Finland. Please send all general inquiries to investor.relations@wartsila.com and investor meeting requests to Ms Janine Tourneur janine.tourneur@wartsila.com.
Please contact Ms Janine Tourneur regarding investor meeting requests:
Ms Janine Tourneur
Executive Assistant
tel. +358 10 709 5645
e-mail: janine.tourneur@wartsila.com
Ms Hanna-Maria Heikkinen
Vice President, Investor Relations
tel. +358 10 709 1461
email: hanna-maria.heikkinen@wartsila.com
Ms Maija Hongas
Senior Manager, Investor Relations
tel. +358 10 709 3178
e-mail: maija.hongas@wartsila.com
Mr Samu Heikkilä
Senior Manager, Investor Relations
tel. +358 10 709 1121
e-mail: samu.heikkila@wartsila.com
Here you can find a list of Financial analysts and brokers who have followed Wärtsilä's development on their own initiative.