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British Standard Wire Gauge is a unit for denoting wire size given by BS 3737:1964 (now withdrawn).
A mode that a power plant employs to cope with excess power demands. Generators will be ready to start and connect to the grid within minutes to keep supply in line with demand, when the demand decreases the generators will ramp down and return to standby mode.
The rapid response rescue vessel STRIL POSEIDON was built by Aker Langsten for Simon Møkster Shipping in Stavanger. It is designed to remain on-station the year-round except for annual drydocking for maintenance.
It is a requirement on most off shore fields to have emergency response and rescue vessels (ERRV) constantly on standby to evacuate personnel from rigs and platforms in the event of an emergency.
The right-hand side of a ship when looking forward. Opposite to port.
A compressor dedicated to the starting process of an engine.
A state function is a function defined for a system relating several state variables or state quantities that depends only on the current equilibrium thermodynamic state of the system not the path which the system took to reach its present state.
State of charge is the level of charge of an electric battery relative to its capacity.
A figure of merit of the condition of a battery (or a cell, or a battery pack), compared to its ideal conditions.
In physics, a state of matter is one of the distinct forms in which matter can exist.
A state variable is one of the set of variables that are used to describe the mathematical "state" of a dynamical system.
Static cling is the tendency for light objects to stick (cling) to other objects owing to static electricity.
Static electricity is an imbalance of electric charges within or on the surface of a material.
Static friction ("stiction") is the friction between non-moving surfaces.
A power inverter that do not use moving parts in the conversion process.
A load that results in the development of a stress field within a body without any acceleration of any part of it.
A static synchronous compensator (STATCOM), is a regulating device used on alternating current electricity transmission networks.
A static synchronous series compensator (SSSC) is a type of flexible AC transmission system which consists of a solid-state voltage source inverter coupled with a transformer that is connected in series with a transmission line.
A static VAR compensator is a set of electrical devices for providing fast-acting reactive power on high-voltage electricity transmission networks.
The stationary part of an electric motor.