62 results
Manufactured by Beele Engineering of the Netherlands, the support system suitable for tanks with cargo temperatures up to 250°C.
The distance from the top of the hatch, or from the top of the inspection cover in the hatch, down to the surface of oil in the cargo tanks of oil tankers.
Original designer of the helical turbine whereby the blades are configured in a vertical helix.
Ultimate tensile strength is the maximum stress that a material can withstand while being stretched or pulled before breaking.
During the golden boom years on the tanker market, from 1967 until the oil crisis of 1973, orders for about 80 VLCCs (200,000-320,000 dwt) and 40 ULCCs (over 320,000 dwt) were placed.
A slow-speed, two-stroke engine which uses a large stroke to bore ratio to utilize the improved thermodynamic efficiency resulting from the uniflow scavenging.
Diesel fuel having sulfur content of 0.0015 percent (15 ppm) of sulfur or less, (EPA).
UltraBattery is a hybrid energy storage device invented by Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).
Ultrasonic testing is a family of non-destructive testing techniques based on the propagation of ultrasonic waves in the object or material tested.
Ultra-supercritical – up to 1,400 °F (760 °C) and pressure levels of 5,000 psi (340 bar)
A form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelength from 10 nm to 400 nm (750 THz), shorter than that of visible light, but longer than X-rays. UV radiation is present in sunlight, and constitutes about 10% of the total electromagnetic radiation output from the Sun.
The connecting hose to a tethered submersible unit and from this unit to the divers. It may contain life support, surveillance, communication, remote control and power supply cables, (ABS).
Unconventional wind turbines are those that differ significantly from the most common types in use.
A groove melted into the base metal adjacent to the weld toe or weld root and left unfilled by weld metal.
Underfloor heating and cooling is a form of central heating and cooling that achieves indoor climate control for thermal comfort using hydronic or electrical heating elements embedded in a floor.
A process to convert coal to gas which occurs underground. Coal, and volatiles embedded in the coal (mostly methane) are partially combusted in the presence of steam, oxygen and / or air, to produce hydrogen and carbon monoxide.
Underground hydrogen storage is the practice of hydrogen storage in caverns, salt domes and depleted oil/gas fields.
An underground storage tank is, according to United States federal regulations, a storage tank, not including any underground piping connected to the tank, that has at least 10 percent of its volume underground.
A method of seasonal thermal energy storage that utilises the earths starta or aquifers.
A method to transmit electricity through insulated cables that are buried underground.