696 results
An electric motor and its associated electrical equipment in the case of electric steering gear, or an electric motor and its associated electrical equipment and connected pump in the case of electrohydraulic steering gear...
A nozzle pivoting on a vertical axis and fitted around a screw propeller. Steering nozzles create steering forces by means of a deflected jet.
A system used for of steering the ship. It is in constant use when the ship is underway, and any failure or malfunction may result in disaster.
The bow frame forming the apex of the intersection of the forward sides of a ship. At its lower end it is rigidly connected to the keel.
Transformers that either increase (step-up) or reduce (step-down) the input voltage to produce the desired output voltage. This is achieved by varying the primary and secondary windings.
The after end of ship.
Bearings which support the propeller shaft.
The system installed on FSOs and FPSOs for off-loading of crude oil to shuttle tankers.
A heavy strong member (large casting, forging or weldment) attached to after end of the keel.
Mooring lines leading ashore from the after end or poop of a ship, often at an angle of about 45 degrees to the fore and the aft line.
Access equipment for ro-ro ships. The system consists of a watertight axial ramp/door with entering and bridging flaps.
The watertight tube enclosing and supporting the propeller shaft. It consists of a cast-iron or casted steel cylinder fitted with bearing surface within which the propeller shaft, enclosed in a sleeve, rotates.
A split ring mounted on the sterntube. Removal of this ring enables the housing to be moved with respect to the bush, with the result that the lip seals move to an unworn contact surface.
Oil-lubricated white metal bearing usually consists of two bushes pressed into a stern-tube.
In principle, the sterntube aft seals can function without a lubrication system. However, the aft sealing functions better and has a longer life if it is fitted, like the forward sealing, with a lubrication system.
A housing with series of seal rings clamped into position on the bush. Sterntube seals have to perform two separate functions...
A person or firm employed to load and unload vessels.
A secondary supporting structural member: an angle, T-bar, channel, built-up section, etc. used to stiffen plating of a bulkhead, a deck, etc.
The resistance of the structure to deflect under load within elastic limit of the material.
A heat engine comprising two cylinders, the hot cylinder whereby gases expand and a cold cylinder to cool and regenerate the gas in a closed loop system.