Voluntary commitments

Wärtsilä has signed the United Nations Global Compact initiative and supports its ten principles with respect to human rights, labour, the environment, and anti-corruption. We are committed to aligning our strategy, culture, and day-to-day operations with these principles, and to engaging in collaborative projects that advance sustainable development. Our Code of Conduct and sustainability approach provide the main framework for promoting the principles within our sphere of influence.

Wärtsilä also contributes in a positive way to several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through our purpose and strategy, targets, policies, initiatives, innovations, and partnerships. We are committed to developing solutions, together with our stakeholders, that solve the societal challenges laid out in the SDGs, while also generating new business opportunities.

In particular, we play a vital role in driving the decarbonisation of the energy and marine sectors. We have reviewed all the SDGs and their targets and have identified priority goals for Wärtsilä. These are most notably SDG7 Affordable and Clean Energy, SDG9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, and SDG13 Climate action.

We also participate in several voluntary initiatives, agreements, and commitments such as the Finnish Energy Efficiency Agreement, and sustainable business coalitions such as the ZEEDS initiative and Getting to Zero Coalition.