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The piping used for drain the bilge wells.
The area of curved plating between the bottom shell and side shell.
Pumps used for draining the ship various compartments. In passenger ships, the bilge pumps are to be located in separate watertight compartments.
The radius of the plating joining the side shell to the bottom shell. It is measured at midships.
The strake at the turn of bilge extending outward to a point where the side rises vertically.
Drain pipes placed on each side at the after end of the holds or compartments. The suction end is fitted with a strainer or mud box.
A piping system intended for disposing of water that may accumulate in spaces within the vessel (holds, machinery spaces, cofferdams) due to condensation, leakage, washing, fire fighting, etc.
All elements of the bilge system are to be tested to demonstrate satisfactory pumping operation, including emergency suctions and all controls.
The water that collects in the bilges of a vessel which generally becomes foul and noxious. Bilge water also contains fluids from machinery spaces, internal drainage systems, sludge tanks and various other sources.
Current MARPOL legislation stipulates that separated bilge water containing 15 ppm or below in water can be disposed into international waters. Some national, regional and local authorities have more stringent regulations
see Oily water separator.
A sump to which bilge water drains. It is important to arrange bilge wells in the way enabling permanent access and possibility of cleaning even when holds are loaded.
Document issued on behalf of the carrier describing the kind and quantity of goods being shipped, the shipper, the consignee, the ports of loading and discharge and the carrying vessel.
Receipt for payment of the ship purchase price, delivered by the seller to the buyer on completion of the contract.
Bimetallic joints between steel and aluminium are increasingly made with transition bars. These are explosively bonded laminates of steel and aluminium with pure aluminium at the interface, the production of which is itself a welding process.
A binary cycle power plant is a type of geothermal power plant that allows cooler geothermal reservoirs to be used than is necessary for dry steam and flash steam plants.
A resin or other cement-like material used to hold particles together and provide mechanical strength or to ensure uniform consistency, solidification, or adhesion to a surface coating; typical binders are resin, glue, gum, and casein.
Binding energy is the smallest amount of energy required to remove a particle from a system of particles or to disassemble a system of particles into individual parts.
Biobased economy, bioeconomy or biotechonomy refers to economic activity involving the use of biotechnology and biomass in the production of goods, services, or energy.
Biochar is charcoal that is produced by pyrolysis of biomass in the absence of oxygen; it is used as a soil ameliorant for both carbon sequestration and soil health benefits.