304 results
A schedule of rates that a utility provider charges for electricity.
The method of position finding which gives the position from the angle of a taut wire towards the davit.
A comparison of similar equipment or process usually to highlight the benefits and disadvantages of the equipment or process, usually included in suggested solutions to meet an end goal or alternatives to existing processes.
Paint manufactures’ Product Data Sheet which contains detailed technical instruction and information relevant to the coating and its application.
Technical documentation is a generic term for the classes of information created to describe (in technical language) the use, functionality or architecture of a product, system or service.
Technical drawing, drafting or drawing, is the act and discipline of composing drawings that visually communicate how something functions or is constructed.
A record containing all detailed parameters, including components and settings of an engine, which may influence the NOx emission, in accordance with the NOx Technical Code.
Technical peer review is a type of engineering review, they are a well defined review process for finding and fixing defects, conducted by a team of peers with assigned roles.
A set of data that describes the dimensions and working capacity of a machine.
A technical standard is an established norm or requirement for a repeatable technical task.
Techno-economic assessment or techno-economic analysis is a method of analyzing the economic performance of an industrial process, product, or service.
Tectonics are the processes that control the structure and properties of the Earth's crust and its evolution through time.
It comes in a variety of sizes ranging from 10mm to 80mm in diameter. Due to its inherent nature, the cable, especially in smaller diameters, is easily damaged. The radius that the cable can be bent to is usually restricted to a minimum of 1.5m.
Temperate climates of Earth occur in the middle latitudes (40° to 60° N/S of Equator), which span between the tropics and the polar regions of Earth. These zones generally have wider temperature ranges throughout the year and more distinct seasonal changes.
Temperature is a physical quantity that expresses hot and cold.
A type of steel heat treatment. The process follows the quenching of steel and involves reheating up to temperature of 680°C.
A full-size pattern from which an item can be made, e.g. a pipe or steel plate.
The ability of a material to withstand tensile stress, i.e. a force attempting to lengthen the material, divided by the material area.
A test to determine the material strength and ductility. A specially-shaped specimen of standard size is gripped in a testing machine and the ends drawn apart.
Tensile testing is a fundamental materials science and engineering test in which a sample is subjected to a controlled tension until failure.