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Elastic energy is the mechanical potential energy stored in the configuration of a material or physical system as it is subjected to elastic deformation by work performed upon it.
The maximum stress that can be applied to a metal without plastic deformation.
The structural member capability of sustaining stress without permanent deformation, i.e. to recover its original size and shape after the stress has been removed.
An electric arc, or arc discharge, is an electrical breakdown of a gas that produces a prolonged electrical discharge.
A battery is a device consisting of one or more electrochemical cells with external connections for powering electrical devices such as flashlights, mobile phones, and electric cars
Electric charge is the physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force when placed in an electromagnetic field.
A stream of charged particles, such as electrons or ions, moving through an electrical conductor or space, measured in Amperes.
An electric field is the physical field that surrounds each electric charge and exerts force on all other charges in the field, either attracting or repelling them.
Electric grid security refers to the activities that utilities, regulators, and other stakeholders play in securing the national electricity grid.
Electric heating is a process in which electrical energy is converted to heat energy.
In electrical engineering, electric machine is a general term for machines using electromagnetic forces, such as electric motors, electric generators, and others.
An electrically powered motor used to convert electrical power into mechanical power as used in electrically driven pumps.
The electric motor converts electrical energy to mechanical energy. The most frequently used type of electric motor is the motor powered by an alternating current supply: the AC-motor.
A pumped storage hydroelectric power plant in Wales, UK.
All equipment and installations connected at the same rated voltage. - Isolated electric network – A system in which a conductor or the neutral is not connected to the ship hull in normal operation.
A system in which the neutral is connected to the ship hull in normal operation.
Azymuthing electric propulsion unit with the motor located inside the underwater housing (pod) attached to the hull.
A potential energy (measured in joules) that results from conservative Coulomb forces and is associated with the configuration of a particular set of point charges within a defined system.
The rate, per unit time, at which electrical energy is transferred by an electric circuit.
An electrical or electro-mechanical device for converting electrical energy. A power converter can convert alternating current into direct current and vice versa; change the voltage or frequency of the current or do some combination of these.