Rocks & mirror
Encyclopedia of Marine and Energy Technology


620 results


A criticality accident is an uncontrolled nuclear fission chain reaction. It is sometimes referred to as a critical excursion, critical power excursion, or divergent chain reaction.


Cross curves of stability is a set of curves from which the KN values for a set of constant heel-angle values at any particular displacement may be read.


The area between cargo hatches.


Horizontal stiffening structures that are fitted in the wing tanks of oil tankers between the side shell and the longitudinal bulkheads.


Opening a connection between the damaged tank and the tank situated symmetrically on the other side of the ship in order to compensate unsymmetrical flooding.


An arrangement, which enables to decrease the angle of heel after flooding: when a compartment on one side of a ship is damaged and flooded the corresponding compartment on the opposite side may be flooded.


A crosshead is a mechanism used as part of the slider-crank linkages of long reciprocating engines and reciprocating compressors to eliminate sideways pressure on the piston.


Bolts fitted to keep the cross-joint fully closed at sea.


A drain or gutter fitted to the cross-joint, which directs any leaked water to the coaming drain.


Crosswind kite power is power derived from a class of airborne wind-energy conversion systems or crosswind kite power systems characterized by a kite system that has energy-harvesting parts that fly transverse to the direction of the ambient wind.


Used to protect a circuit from a surge or overvoltage condition


The stationary sheaves mounted at the top of the drilling derrick. The wire ropes attached to the travelling block pass over it.


According to Significant Ships of 2004 The ferries AKASHIA and HAMANASU built by Nagasaki Shipyard (MHI) are the first vessels provided with the CRP-Azipod propulsion.


A naturally occurring oil found in the earth, crude oil is referred to as a non renewable energy source.


A crude oil assay is the chemical evaluation of crude oil feedstocks by petroleum testing laboratories.


Crude oil stabilisation is a partial distillation process that renders crude oil suitable for storage in atmospheric tanks, or of a quality suitable for sales or pipeline transportation.


An oil tanker engaged in the trade of carrying crude oil.


see washing machines.


A method of cargo tank washing wherein the oil itself is used as the solvent to speed the removal of the residues on the interior surfaces of the tank. Inerting is always required during crude oil washing.


According to HANSA 1/2005 The COLOR FANTASY worth over 300 million EUR gave about 1200 man-years of work for Aker Finnyards in Turku, as well as the same number for subcontractors and still more for suppliers of material and components.