According to MacGREGOR Press Release 28 March 2001
NILS HOLGERSSON and PETER PAN are 34,000gt RoPax ferries built by the Bremerhaven yard SSW Fahr-und Spezialschiffbau for Hamburg-based operator TT-Line. The ferries are deployed on the Travemünde (Germany) – Trelleborg (Sweden) route, offering some 2640m lane capacity for trucks over three decks.
The bow, stern and side access for rolling freight with internal transfer between main, lower and upper vehicle decks is secured by ro-ro system packages from MacGREGOR. The RoRo Ship Division supply also includes: pilot, bunker and passenger doors; a provisions container hatch; a scissors lift for the engine stores; a hatch cover for the scissors lift and four hydraulic power packs.
MacGREGOR RoRo package includes:
• bow door operating equipment
• bow ramp/door with disconnectable ramp
• stern ramp/door serving the main vehicle deck
• stern ramp serving the upper vehicle deck
• tiltable ramp
• two side ramp/doors
• two ramp covers
• hoistable ramp.
Forming a weathertight part of the forebody structure, the bow door is divided into two sections with an intermediate joint at the ship centreline. Each section is attached to the hull by hinge arms arranged to secure parallel motion when opening or closing with actuation by double-acting hydraulic cylinders.
- Bow ramp/door - The bow ramp/door accessing the main RoRo deck comprises three sections plus end flaps, the inner section forming a watertight door at the collision bulkhead. The outer sections are disconnected from the first section and folded behind the bow door. The section forming the watertight door is thus physically separated from the other ramp sections, as prescribed by class rules.
Fixed length struts between the second section and the ship ensure the correct positioning and provide support during operation and stowage; the second section is locked to the deck above by hydraulic hooks. The third section is folded under the second by hydraulicallyoperated link mechanisms. In the deployed mode, all sections of the ramp are connected by hinges, allowing it to twist and cater for the ship heel.
Ro-ro access at the stern is provided at two levels, a wide ramp/door serving the main vehicle deck (3) and a narrower ramp serving the upper vehicle deck (5). Both single-section ramps are opened/closed by hydraulic cylinders on each side of the opening.
- Tiltable ramp -Vehicle flows to and from the main and upper decks are facilitated by a large tiltable ramp. The single-section ramp can be lowered from either end due to the disconnectable hinges arranged forward and aft. Raising and lowering are effected by a wire and pulling-cylinder system. When closed, the ramp forms a weathertight closure in the upper deck.
The direct access into the upper vehicle deck is provided by two side ramp/doors installed port and starboard in the forward structure. The ramps are operated by hydraulic cylinders, launched from the stowed position by a push-out cylinder. As a door, the ramp stows weathertight in the shell.
A side-hinging ramp cover mounted aft on the main vehicle deck is arranged over a fixed ramp leading down to the lower hold (tanktop). Hydraulic cylinders attached to the longitudinal coaming impart the rotational movement to operate the two-panel cover, which is watertight in the closed position.
Forward, on the same deck, another watertight side-hinging ramp cover formed by three panels is installed above a hoistable ramp giving access to the lower hold. This hoistable ramp, arranged between the tanktop and a fixed ramp below the main deck, forms a part of the tanktop load area when lowered; when raised, it is deployed as a vehicle ramp linking the tanktop, main deck and upper deck.
- Stores handling - MacGREGOR outfit extends to deck 8 aft of the superstructure where a hydraulically-operated provision hatch cover is installed to allow containers to be lowered and hoisted to and from a handling area below on deck 7.
Serving the engine stores from the main deck is a scissors platform lift with a capacity of 2000kg and a lifting height of 0-3m, manoeuvred by built-in hydraulic cylinders. A hydraulically-operated side-hinging cover closes watertight over the lift trunk.
Length, oa: 190.75m, Length, bp: 175.00m, Breadth, mld: 29.50m, Depth to main deck: 14.65m, Draught design/scantling: 6.20/6.30m, Deadweight at 6.20m: 7200dwt, Gross tonnage: 36,648, Service speed: 22 knots, Total lane length: 2613m, Total output: 29,680kW.