According to Ship and Boat International May/June 2004
Norwegian shipyard Fitjar Mek Verksted AS completed the 94m fishing vessel LIBAS according to the design from Vik-Sandvik AS, who developed a new hull form for a speed of 20 knots in loaded conditions. The hull was built at the Vyborg Shipyard in Russia and brought to Norway for fitting out.
The LIBAS can operate as a pelagic trawler with gear handled over the stern. However, the main feature is a revolutionary purse seine handling layout. Instead of having the purse seine bins located on the starboard quarter, the purse seines are stowed under cover directly below the round wheelhouse. The wheelhouse features a transparent floor, so the stacking operations can be monitored by the skipper.
A net stacking crane extending over both of the net bins is fitted in the roof of the net chamber, mounted on a fore and aft, hydraulically-operated transport system with an 8.50m traverse. This has a horizontal crane at its centre, capable of covering a 360deg arc and fitted with a 6t winch and a net roller with a 6t pulling power.
Triplex’s largest available roller, the TR-160 intermediate roller unit with 6tonne pull is mounted inside the forward bulkhead. It is adjusted to the net stacking crane by mowing the roller vertically to avoid any rotation of the net when hauling.
Propulsion system supplied by Wärtsilä consists of 12V32 main engine, which drives through a gearbox a 4000mm CP propeller in a nozzle. The LIBAS is fitted with Brunvoll retractable azimuth thrusters forward that can be used when pursing, trawling, or as a diesel-electric propulsor. The ship is also provided with a stern thruster.
Length oa: 94.0m, Length bp: 82.4m, Breadth mld: 17.60m, Depth to 2nd deck 7.10m, Depth to 1st deck: 9.80m, RSW: 2300m3, Fuel oil: 1250m3, fresh water: 120m3, MCR: 6000kW, cruising speed: 19 knots.