Wärtsilä portals
White paper
20 pages
White paper: How to spend less on ship fuel and make amazing savings every sailing
How to cut operational costs? How to meet the tightening...
Marine electric
Marine electric
White paper
16 pages
White paper: Excited about ammonia as a marine fuel? 6 things you need to know
The six most important things about ammonia as a marine fuel –...
Decarbonisation and future fuels
Decarbonisation and future fuels
White paper
24 pages
eGuide: Insider’s guide to ship engines
The insider knowledge from this guide helps you make the best choice of engine for the lifetime of your...
Engine systems
Engine systems
White paper
24 pages
White paper: CII rating: 11 smart ways to boost it while staying competitive
How to boost your ship’s CII rating and stay competitive? Energy-saving...
Decarbonisation and future fuels
Decarbonisation and future fuels
White paper
18 pages
White paper: How a service agreement could give your maritime business a competitive edge
Learn how you can boost your competitiveness in complex...
Lifecycle services
Lifecycle services
White paper
18 pages
White paper: Ship maintenance: 5 strong reasons why you really need to plan it
Learn why you really need to plan maintenance so you can keep your...
Lifecycle services
Lifecycle services
White paper
14 pages
White paper: Four brilliant ways to save money with voyage optimisation
Learn how optimising your voyages can help you cut costs – and gain some...
Fleet optimisation
Fleet optimisation
White paper
40 pages
Report: Sustainable fuels for shipping by 2050 – the 3 key elements of success
A report on future fuels in the marine industry reveals the key...
Decarbonisation and future fuels
Engine systems
Lifecycle services
Decarbonisation and future fuels
Engine systems
Lifecycle services
White paper
5 pages
eGuide: Make your marine fuel conversion a success
Five important things to take into account with a marine fuel conversion.
Decarbonisation and future fuels
Lifecycle services
Decarbonisation and future fuels
Lifecycle services