‘Just in time’ is just the beginning

Just-in-time arrivals will revolutionise how port calls are organised, but it is only the first step in the transformation as more port stakeholder systems deploy artificial intelligence.

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Easing port congestion at two very busy French ports
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Solutions to decarbonise are embedded in data
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How 5G will change the Smart Marine Ecosystem
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Ships arriving at port in Taiwan
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New Navi-Port technology to revolutionise port operations
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Port of Burgas,Bulgaria
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Bulgaria’s ports equipped with new traffic management system
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Wärtsilä STM and AIM will predict vessels behavior in Bulgarian ports
Wärtsilä Sea Traffic Management (STM) and Advanced Intelligent Maneuvering...
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Up to 80% of transpacific container and 43% of voyages can be powered by hydrogen
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Balt Safe STM
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Wärtsilä Voyage to upgrade ECDIS on-board 50 tankers as a part of Sea Traffic Management (STM) BALT SAFE project
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Peru Callao port
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Wärtsilä VTS to overcome two weeks deadlock in fogbound Peruvian port
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Navi-Harbour WebVTS 5.0 Wärtsilä’s new product to give full access to vital VTS information
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In Conversation with Wärtsilä’s Emil Katajainen
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In Conversation with Wärtsilä’s Emil Katajainen
System to improve marine traffic arrives just-in-time. Emil Katajainen, Business Development Manager...
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Wärtsilä to install its Route Exchange platform on 50 tankers as part of the Balt Safe project
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Facing the new normal in the maritime industry
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Benefits of Just-In-Time Sailing: how to take port operations to new heights
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Successful application of Wärtsilä Navi-Port highlights benefits of Just-in-Time sailing
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7 ways to make a ship smarter, leaner and safer with a connected ECDIS
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Sabetta: Innovation above the Arctic Circle
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Arriving just in time for the future
Late arrival of ships is a costly problem. But Wärtsilä’s Smart Marine technologies and port automation can...
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Port Call Optimisation paves the way towards a higher port performance
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Pilotage Digitalisation. How Remote is the Remote Pilotage?
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Smart Marine just got a little smarter
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Smart Marine just got a little smarter
With richer data and faster connectivity, the upgraded Operim system lays the groundwork for new business...
6 Nov 2019 · Article
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Portugal Port Authority to focus on simulation technology and trainings for the experienced professionals
More than 52% of vessel operators and over...
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Wärtsilä together with European ports authorities elaborate standards of digital data exchange
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How Smart Voyaging helps to decline shipping emissions
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Where is the magnetic North Pole headed?
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Finding synergies between marine and aviation
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Finding synergies between marine and aviation
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Creating the clean, innovative port ecosystem of the future
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Creating the clean, innovative port ecosystem of the future
Wärtsilä’s plan for Vaasa in 2030 is a port ecosystem for co-creation. The marine and...
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Pirouetting ships: What harbours can learn from dance
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Slow steaming to arrive at the right time
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Smart ports come of age
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Smart ports come of age
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New age of connectivity
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New age of connectivity
With increased connectivity and communication comes better transparency.
Eniram and Wärtsilä released SkyLight, a fleet monitoring service that facilitates the optimisation of a vessel’s performance.
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Rethinking performance management
"With the launch of SkyLight, a cost-effective, next-generation fleet performance monitoring service, Eniram and...