Ciserv AB of Gothenburg, a member of the Wärtsilä group, has signed a cooperation agreement with the Swedish pump manufacturer IMO AB in September 2005 to serve the users of IMO pumps. This is the first co-operation agreement signed by a Ciserv company with IMO, and similar agreements will be signed by other Ciserv companies in other countries world-wide.
This cooperation agreement makes an important addition to the range of products and services offered by Ciserv and will improve the component availability for the customers. Ciserv will work as IMO’s extended arm to supply also services for upgradings of existing installations in a wide range of applications. The agreement is designed to increase the availability of IMO pumps to their users.
IMO believes that Ciserv’s expertise and strong customer base will be an asset for IMO and that this agreement will strengthen IMO AB. For example, Ciserv’s trained engineers are continually performing servicing work on other types of equipment where IMO pumps are already employed or could be retrofitted in a wide range of applications, including pulp and paper, tooling machinery, power generation, offshore industries and marine.
IMO AB, a member of the Colfax Pump Group, manufactures high-quality screw pumps suitable for pumping all non-corrosive fluids with lubricating properties. The pumps are of the triple-spindle type, with the basic components of three rotors, one of which is powered and two are symmetrically-opposed idlers. The three rotors seal against each other to form a series of chambers which provide the pumping action, moving the trapped fluid axially from the inlet to the discharge. IMO pumps are used in applications such as oil transfer, fuel handling and lubrication & hydraulic system.
Ciserv is a fast growing global network of companies delivering a wide range of cost-effective support services for marine and industrial applications. The services support both two-stroke and four-stroke engines, together with a variety of equipment including propulsion systems, ancillary equipment, boilers, control and automation equipment, and general steelwork. The overall scope of Ciserv’s business covers all aspects of servicing a ship, from engine maintenance to steel repair works.
Notes to the editor:
Wärtsilä Corporation
Wärtsilä is The Ship Power Supplier for builders, owners and operators of vessels and offshore installations. Our own global service network takes complete care of customers’ ship machinery at every lifecycle stage. Wärtsilä is a leading provider of power plants, operation and lifetime care services in decentralized power generation.
With a worldwide network of 130 offices and workshops in 60 countries providing a service workforce of some 6000 persons, Wärtsilä is able to provide the best possible support for system solutions, equipment maintenance, on time deliveries and even plant operation.
Wärtsilä has Ciserv companies in ten countries. The Ciserv reconditioning and maintenance group was established in 2001. Through Ciserv we offer the widest possible range of customized maintenance and component reconditioning services for multiple brands of two-and four-stroke engines, propulsion systems and ship’s equipment.
IMO AB is one of the largest three spindle screw pump manufacturer in the world and a member of the COLFAX Pump Group. The COLFAX Pump Group is a worldwide association of five leading international brands. The group is one of the largest pump manufacturers in the world.
Media contacts:
Marit Holmlund-Sund
Public Relations Manager
Wärtsilä Corporation
Direct tel: +358 10 709 1439
Direct fax: +358 10 709 1425
e-mail: marit.holmlund-sund@wartsila.com
Internet: www.wartsila.com
Jonas Haesert
Box 42090, 126 14 Stockholm, Sweden
Direct tel: +46 8 50622 926
Fax: +46 8 645 15 09
Email: jonas.haesert@imo.se
Internet: www.imo.se
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