Engine ABC

Rio de Janeiro
Delivery Method: Virtual-Led Session

This course is based on the Wärtsilä products and identification of engine related systems and parts. By the end of the course participants should be: Familiar with technical terminology needed in their daily work. Recognise main components by appearance and be able to differentiate between engine and auxiliary parts. Understand of Wärtsilä engine portfolio and use of each engine. If your area would like to organize an Engine ABC training, please contact training.finland@wartsila.com . We can arrange a training through Video Conferencing! https://dsta.wdm.wartsila.com/Default.aspx?#55DEE6BA-1C5F-47E4-B45E-81E2D2272D1D/object/54D8B6EE-4F78-42B1-B7A9-A3243E8A7E2F/latest