Engine control retrofit package for RND, RL and RTA engines

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Engine control retrofit package for RND, RL and RTA engines

A control system upgrade to reduce maintenance costs, prolong the life of the equipment, and to reduce off-hire risks. 

The DENIS-R controls system retrofit packages are designed for the Sulzer Bridge Control SBC7/7.1, or for any make of remote control systems that experience major operational difficulties or remote control issues. These packages provide the appropriate remote control retrofit and engine interface adaptation to ensure safe and reliable operation. This is far more beneficial than maintaining at high cost the existing pneumatic control system with the increasing risk that spare parts with a limited lifetime will not be available, or buying from other control system suppliers with no Wärtsilä certified service.

Furthermore, neglecting to upgrade an aging control system increases the possibility of serious maneuvering failures and the risk of going off-hire. As an OEM, Wärtsilä provides the relevant technical expertise and know-how needed for such an upgrade. Wärtsilä has extensive competence in installing and commissioning such projects in cooperation with a certified supplier for remote control systems.

Engine control retrofit package for RND, RL and RTA engines

Key benefits

  • Installation of maintenance-free, state-of-the-art electronic components
  • Uses only required minimum pneumatic control components for trouble-free operation
  • Significant reduction in maintenance time and costs
  • Eliminates time consuming and costly troubleshooting
  • Eliminates the risk of going off-hire due to starting-/maneuvering problems
  • Possibility to regain or to obtain unmanned machinery (UMS) status
  • Technical support and spares availability throughout the life of the vessel

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    RND105, RND68, RND68M, RND76, RND76M, RND90, RND90M, RTA38, RTA48, RTA48T, RTA48T-B, RTA52, RTA52U, RTA52U-B, RTA58, RTA58T, RTA58T-B, RTA62, RTA62U, RTA62U-B, RTA68, RTA72, RTA72U, RTA76, RTA84, RTA84C, RTA84M

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